A friend of mine was king hit by his ex and made a good post about the double standards. Its getting a lot of support on facebook and i thought some people on reddit might like to see it

but you don't get to say "feminists won women the right to vote" when women's suffrage was passed by all-male representatives of an almost entirely male electorate, then switch gears

When I first heard you bring up the vote, it felt incredibly distancing. Like, "I'm not touching that with a 30 foot pole". But I kinda get why you bring it up now.

In high school they taught us that women essentially got the right to vote last. The implication being that black men "got" the right to vote before women got it. It ignores the fact that proposals for the 14th amendment started the very year the Civil War ended; it was adopted 3 years later. Black men didn't get the right to vote, they spent 4 years fighting for it.

Suffrage is a linchpin, and it's often brought up without any of the historical context surrounding it. By repeatedly dispelling the oft-repeated revisionist history spoken by feminism on the subject, you make it a lot easier to have an actual balanced discussions on their typically male-antagonistic subjects.

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