From Facebook. City of Kingston closed a lane of traffic and turned it into bike lanes. See how cyclists use those lanes... not at all.

What is the crime here? These are cyclists coming from out of town, raising money for cancer research. Even if we just take the photo as shown with no additional context, they are doing nothing whatsoever illegal or even unethical by using the lane as they are. They're taking up about a foot of space at the far right of the lane, just like most cyclists are forced to do on most roadways. All I've seen here is a bunch of anti-cyclist rhetoric and "muh tax dollars, derp a der." I've ridden this route hundreds of times without the bike lane, and most motorists have no trouble making the tiny adjustment needed to safely pass the riders. What to you in a car is at worst a minor inconvenience, is a potential life and death scenario for those of us walking or on bikes. I will lose each and every confrontation with a car - I've been hit by cars while being in bike lanes downtown, more than once. I've been hit while literally riding on the white painted lane line on the far right. I also don't blame all motorists and shame them on social media because of the actions of a the minority. The scary thing is the Facebook post this comes from originally, is filled with some of the most vile and clueless cyclist hating nonsense, allusions to laws that don't exist, calls for mass arrests or fines based on rules that aren't actually rules, and some thinly veiled suggestions of violence. And now I'm off to take my bike through downtown, legally using bike lanes where provided and lanes where I have no other option, feeling profoundly unsafe in my own city wondering if that one ton car barreling towards me even views me as human. :)

/r/KingstonOntario Thread Link -