Frustration with club ideology

If you're that philosophically grounded it might be time to start planning your own club along with other peers who have the same vision and passion. Or you can stick around and learn something new (it will either affirm, contradict or expand what you already know)/not learn and just put up with/ignore it. Or just move on as other mentioned.

Alternatively, if you have any pull at the club maybe you can get some independence from it.

When I work with clubs I make sure i'm either aligned with them or have freedoms to do my own thing. When someone comes around telling me what to do (happens with randomly adopted DOCs) I just nod and go on with my own thing because I have a pre-establushed agreement standing.

Lastly, most DOCs talk a lot but don't really have any weight behind them or any actual interest in enforcing what they say they plan on doing. There are some good ones but I think that generally youth clubs don't give them or the coaches the time, background, and resources to function effectively or efficiently so they kind of just become figure heads after a year or two.

Regardless of the decision the important thing is just to maintain relationships.

/r/SoccerCoachResources Thread