This was a fun conversation

Hey. What's up /u/MRPguy. you're right, that was a fun, friendly conversation, or at least it would be to anyone who doesn't take themselves so seriously and has some thick skin. You're definitely a valued contributor around this community, don't worry, I haven't missed that.

The reason I doubted the validity of your claim was because there are many, many times where futures may be way up/down at open and then have the markets act completely opposite the rest of the day. It seemed to good to be true to have known whether to switch your position or not. Luckily for you, you guessed right this time.

Just because you have verified many of your trades in the past doesn't mean shit, as /u/collegefurtrader pointed out. There are plenty of people who lie on the internet all the time to make themselves feel better while they dwell in their moms basement. To be honest, I was amazed at the speed with which you responded to my comments on that thread. I know many doctors - my uncle is one of them - and they are fucking busy people. Way too busy to be checking push notifications on their phone for reddit comments, especially from a faggot like me.

But alas, what you have proven is two fold - yes, you did actually close out those puts at market open, bravo. As /u/rogerb49 pointed out, you also proved that you get your feelings so hurt by an internet conversation that you create a whole new thread with no content whatsoever, just point to our thread so that you can whine in public and hope that people will nurse your ego and take your side.

/r/wallstreetbets Thread Link -