I [21/m] slept with my straight best friend [23/m], and he felt it was sexual assault.

That having been said, I really do value our freindship, you're a great guy, but that cannot happen again, nor will I let it. Not as a gesture of i don't like you, but mostly as it satisfied an experimental You didn't listen to your best friend and closest person. You went for it again knowing what he said, not respecting​ his request. Im sorry, but this is entirely​ your fault and I'm almost certain you will never be best buds with him. It easy can be assumed as sexual assault from his point of view, because it seems like he was half-awake. But I can understand you a bit aswell. Perhaps lack of sexual relationship in your life pushed you out of borders.

Accept what you've done, figure out why you did it and you will come out as stronger version of yourself. Remember this as positive experience, you've learned something for yourself and you can partly be grateful for that to your friend. P already gave best he could to you, he gave you acknowledge of yourself and what you want, and what you need to change about yourself. Best wishes to you!

/r/sex Thread