FYI: Blizzards current POV on the warrior-issue (Balance FAQ)

I'd definitely be in favour of looking at the holy tanking triad.

In raw survivability, I'm happy with Johanna's design, and implementation. Just being able to take damage is of course not enough, but she has three core abilities which all offer some form of disruption, so she can peel and control the fight better than a lot of characters.

Muradin... I get what they are going for, but he feels really general. Let's say Storm Bolt and Thunderclap are there to help him control the fight, OK. Though right now, while I like his design of being a resilient warrior, I think it lacks flavour sometimes. Particularly Avatar... which often ends feeling like a better Adaption. I rather have it forcefully activate his trait for a short time, rather than being an instant heal. Considering it also boosts his max HP for as long as it does, I think that's fair.

I feel like ETC has a bit of an identity problem in regards to Diablo. They both feel like gank tanks, and use a lot of the same techniques. Many would argue Power Slide is better than Shadow Charge, since it can get him out of a pinch and trip up multiple targets. Between his sustain and team utility, I feel like something has to go with ETC; he's really supposed to be like this bardic warrior character, but he feels so strong outside of this. Diablo is certainly more damage-focused so you can make him distinct by tuning that, though only so much. The ETC problem and the Diablo problem are two distinct problems themselves, so both can merit tuning.

I think talent choices can help some of our other warriors, like a Resilient-like talent that lets Anub'arak use Harden Carapace while incapacitated and activates lower's it CD (make it on the same tier as Chitinous Plating), Arthas can have a talent (or baseline change) to make Frozen Tempest trail behind him to help him with escapes, among many other changes we have that stick with a warrior's flavour while making them more interesting and applicable.

/r/heroesofthestorm Thread