Why is Gallowboob allowed to moderate almost every top subreddit? He constantly abuses his privileges to remove all criticisms of his shitty karma farming posts.


The story going around reddit was that he passive aggressively sent an ass pic to a guy in a “kiss my ass!” Kind of way. It wasn’t sexual. The guy who received it was like “wow gallowboob im a minor, How do you feel about that?” Or something self-aware like that.

There is no proof other than that, that the pic receiver even was a minor. He could’ve just been using the anonymity of the internet to his advantage. Or he really could’ve been 1-17 years old. Either way, the pic wasn’t a sexual “hey lil mama, see anything you like ;)???”

But Reddit doesn’t like him so everyone who mentions it is being intentionally misleading.

/r/WatchRedditDie Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it