I got banned from r/AskAcademia for saying men and women should be rewarded grants based on merit

Our country won’t collapse because we have publicly and privately owned institutions — the last bastions against an uncivilized yet numerous opponent.

Russian disinformation campaigns for falsely dichotomous populist elections have swept more than just the US, but also Belarus, Ukraine and apparently Finland. Fuck, even my twitter account was hacked, spewing out Spanish as if I didn’t get Cs in Spanish class, all for an election in South America. My NASA grant was infiltrated by communists who spread propaganda about Uighur “libraries” which are actually concentration camps where people get skinned alive for organ harvesting. The Venezuelan sabotaged my research, as did the Turks. My research on Australia was infiltrated by communists who advocated for a controlled economy based on oil, who prevented me from studying renewable solutions.

The major difference between Europe and North America is geographical isolation, which has shielded us from the tip of the iceberg of climate refugees, all 1 Billion of them by 2050, fleeing the inevitable collapse of hydrological cycles around the world as the temperature rises 2 degrees Celsius, causing a soil moisture deficit which renders land useless for food production, killing all biodiversity, leaving the poor to kill each other for food. Just like Tatooine.

Europe is where most of the Tatooine travelers travel. And you can’t blame them for trying, after all of their homeland was destroyed. That is why Brexit happened. That is why Putin so dearly cares about the Turkish people, standing in the way of his natural gas pipeline to Europe. Too bad there wasn’t an alternative gas pipeline, say, in Ukraine. Wait, what are we impeaching for again?

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