159 words Banned from r/Whitepeopletwitter because I said that George Floyd had drugs in his system at the time of his death. Was called a racist and a liar by the mod. 122 words We won't be answering modmail anymore over in r/Cringetopia. r/TikTokCringe is joining us. Check the stickies. 140 words r/wholesomememes decides this isn’t a wholesome meme. 121 words Why is Gallowboob allowed to moderate almost every top subreddit? He constantly abuses his privileges to remove all criticisms of his shitty karma farming posts. 278 words I got banned from r/AskAcademia for saying men and women should be rewarded grants based on merit 148 words Please report people who disagree with us. 157 words Hate Speech ( = speech that I hate) 579 words AHS defends pedophilia 1,179 words Wh... What? The projection is reaching astounding levels. 123 words I can't even 443 words How does reddit allow this?? This is praising violence with such a bad excuse. 141 words r/watchredditdie 173 words The_Donald quarantined 513 words Gonna get beheaded for this. 348 words Does anyone else feel like this about Reddit now, or is it just me? 122 words My post on LPT about blocking powerusers like GallowBoob is now nowhere to be found after storming the front page. 183 words Reddit just banned r/watchpeopledie 143 words WTF even is this sub? 255 words Mod on /r/TrueReddit, a sub declaring itself to be for "intelligent discussion" about "great, insightful articles" announces a blanket ban on any articles deemed too right-wing by them (including articles against illegal immigration), no matter how insightful, and then bans me for questioning it. 186 words Chapo users asked to post my “hog.” I’m a minor... they’re asking a literal child for dick pics