The Game Industry and the Importance of Diverse Exchange.

One can't expect to make any decent money unless one makes exceptionally good games.

I'm not arguing that is the reality. But there are reasons for that being the norm. 10 - 20 years ago those reasons were different. Games were much more difficult to produce. They were also a financial wasteland due to the economic crash.

or you can always develop games on the side, as a hobby.

I worked for the finance industry before this. Believing in the narrative that you should give up your desires to conform to the economic system is hilarious if you watch what they do with your finances. We are data points and telling people to put their goals on hold to serve time to these people is shameful.

I could go do all manner of evil things right now for money. I know I could, I'm not untalented. I worked on the back end of this financial system and lost complete faith in it. If you go to a corporate job every day you are being played as a chump. You are wasting your life in a reality that is constructed from past understandings. You are how you live every moment of your life. You aren't who you want to be 5 years from now.

There is more than enough resources around that people should be able to work their asses of 8-12 hours a day and expect to have a roof over their head. We aren't in the past. We live in a world that is owned by large corporations. I'm not fighting nature for survival I'm fighting bureaucracy.

More so you are ignoring that not everyone can just go get a job. For 2 years I've been seeking help for post traumatic stress disorder and found nothing. I can't hold a job, I can't get help and according to you it's too much to expect that making this . Should keep me from being homeless. Like I don't have enough fucking money to buy food this whole month, I'm going to the food bank on monday. But I know that my government willingly spends thousands and thousands sending employees on sugar bush visits and other things. Or that endless money is spent on steam sales where people don't even play the fucking games. Massive massive economic flow problems that mean no matter what I do I'm fucked. Do you do anything else besides try and figure out why you shouldn't hang yourself tomorrow? Cause that's all I do, try and find some fucking reason to keep going on when I am half starved and told that's just the way it is. So I make games because maybe, just maybe someone will fucking help me the fuck out if I make something for them.

Compassion, fucking compassion. There is a middle ground where everyone can participate in a medium they love without having to become enslaved to corporate gods. The resources are there but apologists seem to think it's ok that people can work their asses off and get nothing for it. I guess I should have not have developed my mental illness. Oops.

I am half crazy while doing all of this. The callousness... I have to try so fucking hard. when does it end. How many hours do I have to work before someone will help me. It is going to fucking kill me. I lost my graphics card during development and I couldn't afford another one, I got an old one that's on the fritz and I'm terrified that if my computer goes I have nothing left, I can't produce without it and I can't afford to fix it. I am pouring my everything into building something where I don't want to kill myself and it hurts so much to hear that still people don't think it's worth basic food and shelter. If this doesn't work I don't know what else to do... there is nothing.

I've gotten myself pretty worked up over this comment but I've been heavily suicidal for 2 years and I just want out. I work and I work and I work and it's not enough. I don't know what else to do beyond continue this mad spiral and hope that someone agrees that what I'm doing is worth food and shelter.

So thanks but I don't think you really understand my position.

TL;DR Mental illness is a bitch, the world is bigger than what corporations tell you is there.*

/r/KotakuInAction Thread