General Chat - September 30, 2017

Thursday night I got 4 hours of sleep, had my first day back at work Friday, and got 3 hours of sleep last night.

MIL drove hubby to the airport this morning and then came back to the house. She wanted to help us by painting the floorboards in the baby room... While I tried to sleep so the dogs lost their shit, as it's the room right next to ours. Then she wanted to go to IKEA and buy us storage solutions so she could organize our house for us. But I didn't want her to pick things out without us (or organize our shit period) and I didn't want to go to IKEA with 3 hours of sleep. And then she wanted to deep clean our house for us, and we've already had a dozen conversations over the last 3 years how I don't feel comfortable when she tries to deep clean the house for us. So we had to have a conversation about why I don't like it. She wants to be helpful, I don't want to have my mom clean up after me and feel that if she does our toilets and walls and floors every time she comes to my house it's like saying I can't take care of basic house maintenance

Anyway. 3 hours of sleep me with no hubby backup is a weepy me.

Im pretty sure she thinks I'm crazy.

/r/TFABGrads Thread