Burger Planet hitting another car plus a clip of him smoking cannabis while driving , report to youtube for "Harmful Dangerous Acts / Drug Abuse". Dangerous asshole

Did you even think before posting your reply? He was high and backed into a vehicle, A BIG VEHICLE. Had that been a person, which is 1/20th the size of a car he would have seriously injured them.

you could say that in any situation where a person backs into a car. it happens everyday. He didn't see the car because it was lower than the back window of his van. Not even gonna argue about the semantics regarding if he was high or not, he definitely didn't look high and i'm pretty sure he wasn't considering this was before he was hitting his oil pen. regardless I already have confirmed my suspicions by talking to the man himself. https://gyazo.com/a9b37e7f7bf4287b0bc4ce3154f38f0f Everyone enjoys circlejerking around this guy's mistakes because they see him as a waste of life and a failure so he makes for an easy target. We all make mistakes. It is a logical fallacy to make the leap "If he backed into a car, he would back into a person."

"You take it way too seriously to the point where you want someone locked up" Then you go on to say tons of other people smoke weed while driving (however this doesn't mean you shouldn't report it if you see a person driving erratically while high.... Which is a complete contradiction to what you just said.

This statement directly means, report him if you see him do something legitimately concerning to you but make sure it is worth reporting and not just because you dislike burger.

Your points are completely invalid...

Probably because you hate burger. This argument is pointless to be fair. We're both wasting our time. Peace

/r/AsianAndy Thread Parent