I genuinely can't stand shit posting.

I genuinely can't stand shit posting.

I really can't. It's the most autistic, pointless thing a person could actually find "entertaining". The idea that you think it's hilarious wasting hours of your "life" trying to bait people into replying to your shitty half arsed posts speak numbers about how lonely and pathetic you must be to get entertained doing this It probably seems counter productive for me to write this, because shit posting genuinely makes me angry. It seems like it's near impossible to have a genuine discussion on this board without some fuckwit chiming in to say something stupid like "freshcunt" or "newcunt fresh off the boat from facebook or SRD detected".

I know that this will probably get a bunch of you stupid cunts replying to me calling me the "autistic" one for actually speaking up, because I genuinely want to have a discussion about something instead of being barraged with retarded responses that will no doubt have me reply to you about your stupid pointless comments. Moderation is largely pointless because you all seem to use dynamic ips anyway so no matter what you'll continue your shit posting like it's some normal part of your everyday life.

The fact that anyone ever calls you out on your bullshit and you try and defend it, or continue replying in a shit posting fashion is childish as fuck considering most of you on here are at least 18-30 years old.

Fuck all your shit posting antics. Kill yourselves. You're not funny, or witty, or original, or entertaining. You're literally all rehashes of one another trying to be unique and funny, when you're all doing the same thing. Your pathetic "lives" while you sit here day in and day out shit posting are being wasted away because you find it hilarious to get people worked up 24/7. It's like you cunts are addicted to shit posting. Like you get a dopamine response from it or something.

Rant over cunts. Fuck off.

/r/Drama Thread