German residents left outraged after mayor says young girls 'provoke' sexual harassment

Polish migrants are about 2% of the population but commit more than 10% of total crime as of 2014.

Not sure where you got those stats from (source?). But if it's true:

I'm the last one to defend them. Committed a crime? Let them rot in jail / extradite / make them pay hefty fines. Zero tolerance.

I'm not a hypocrite here. I'm all for consistent rules for immigration. There are definitely many honest refugees/migrants among those waves from middle east and I do believe we should let them in. In fact, I'd love to have them in Poland, we need them in Poland (polish society is getting older...).

What's fucked up about the current situation is that they're effectively above law. C'mon, police in Germany is told to turn a blind eye on minor offenses (like shoplifting)? Citizens are being told "not to use that route to school" as a viable solution to sexual harassment? Please...

Truth is, everything comes at a price but its still better to do the right thing.

Then do the right thing. Start aggressively extraditing criminals among them. Stop instructing your police officers to turn a blind eye on their offenses. Stop sweeping their crimes under a rug. Everyone will be better off. German citizens, honest refugees/migrants, the whole Europe.

Stop teaching other countries about "tolerance" and stop trying to have the whole Europe foot the bill for moronic actions of chancellor Merkel. She's either a complete idiot or was governing long enough to get detached from reality. Either way - Europe is not interested in directly paying for german mistakes. Indirectly, to some extent, we'll have to pay for them anyway, so thanks a lot for that.

You are so afraid of being called nazis, so ashamed of your past wrongdoings that, ironically, you'll end up fucking the whole Europe up again.

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