Ghost Game's episodic nature is a strength

If you haven't seen the episode 35 synopsis not next week but the weekend after so spoilers ahead

A werewolf appears in Hitoyo-machi... Intrigued by this rumor on the internet, Hiro and co. go to visit Ruli Tsukiyono's relatives who live in Hitoyo-machi. The werewolf appearance ends up being more than just a rumor, and people in the town were being attacked by monsters night after night. Hitoyo-machi has an old legend where a werewolf's curse befalls the town, attacking the people once every 100 years. What's more, Ruli is surprised to learn that the legend involves the Tsukiyono family. The townspeople grow tense, wondering who will be attacked next. An old woman in the town says that someone from the Tsukiyono family must be sacrificed in order to stop the curse. Upon hearing this, Ruli decides...?

This looks very intriguing not only may we be getting lamortamon but Ruli information with her family to go along with it, it does look dark but it's these episodes and the developments that make the show great, the show also kind've reminds me of goosebumps one of horror shorts about a monster.

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