Gintama's popularity in the west

Maybe the hype from the already-fans would push it

That's how these things work. Certain fans support a product in its infancy, & building on that hardcore audience allows you to reach more mainstream folk.

It happened with geek culture, it especially happened with Pokémon Go, which was a large children's niche, but became something mainstream for adults.

I personally only like dubs of "serious" animes. I think the "over the top"screams, etc. mostly sound really awful if done in another language.

Brian Drummond's vocalizations aa Ryuk are just as cool as the Japanese guy. Koichi Yamadera's Donald Duck is beast, if not better than Tony Anselmo. On the other hand, Troy Baker often found some of the weirder culturally Japanese stuff off-putting, & occasionally used some of his own ideas instead - that's not because the language makes it worse, but it just isnt really a culturally appropriate thing. But then..most people watching anime are into te cultural stuff. So theoretically it isnt a problem.

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