is God contingent?

God may have set in motion a phenomenon that evolves & dissolves all forms of life & it's circular with expansion and contraction. If there's big bang, that eventually will be devoured by black hole & later become so tiny that at some point, it gathers some energy from another source & start again, the expansion process.. each formation is just a spark in the brain of a powerful entity whom we call - God. Each creation & dissolution of that phenomenon is tiny neuron and there might be billions of neuronal sparks.. & .. that entity doesn't care what a single neuron spark is doing in its powerful brain! Because that entity may have a different dimension.

We, as humans have made 'time' as a measuring tool.. a snail has its own 'time' & comparison is funny with a snail 'time' to humans 'time' but God is beyond time/space continuum. If what I typed makes little to no sense, it's ok. God is beyond time, space & human comprehension.

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