Going back over the beginning...

I started giving up on the show’s rules ever making sense again starting in S2. Then, when we got to 3B and they started resurrecting the dead, I considered crack!fic AU because they just weren’t following the rules of magic, characterization, or storytelling integrity consistently or realistically at all, and nothing made sense anymore ever again. They pulled bizarre magical macguffins and twists out of their asses that worked for multiple things and/or showed up for one season out of nowhere, and then never got seen or mentioned again on screen when they were done with them. The writers bent and broke their own rules of magic as they saw fit for their plots more and more as every season passed. I think that was the biggest problem with this show’s writing: A&E and these writers did not set any restraints to their own rules of magic, and everything just appeared and disappeared out of thin air whenever it was convenient with these magical plot twists and macguffins with no explanations. They just did whatever they wanted with magic, no matter how little to no sense it actually made.

/r/OnceUponATime Thread