The Golden State Warriors have clinched their first sub 60 win season under Steve Kerr

It is shocking to me that ANY Warriors fans would call out Kerr for wanting to be fired so “that’s the fucking point.”

Hundreds of comments

Hey moron, I know it’s kind of weird, but not every comment out of the hundreds, and thousands depending on the game thread, are not all related to the subject matter and it’s even weirder that I don’t want to go fucking fishing for the comments that are actually fucking there because I don’t want to waste my damn time, but keep trying to call me an idiot it’s cool dude.

Believe it or not, I do spend time in the game threads, and a lot of people do say “This is all Kerr’s fault he’s not doing anything,” and “He needs to be fired.” Is it a majority of people, no. But many more than 2 of those people exist, stop wearing your fucking rose colored glasses.

There are bad fans out there. Nice try though.

Fuck off.

/r/nba Thread Parent