Google has COMPLETELY blocked from their Google News site!!! We are officially living in 1984 folks

Have you even read 1984?

It would seem not because if you did, you'd realize that the book is about government control of information. Google, a publicly held corporation (you know, the kind of organization at the center of modern capitalism), is not the government.

As a public corporation, Google can choose to do whatever the fuck it wants so long as said actions are perceived to be in the interests of its shareholders.

And believe it or not, but you, as a private citizen, can choose not to fucking use Google if your feelings are hurt that they've decided that Infowars isn't a useful news source for the majority of their users.

Also, as is often the case with highly complex, highly automated systems, what you encountered was probably an unintentional bug and not some giant fucking conspiracy designed to "kill the conservative voice" or whatever the fuck you're calling it these days.

I cannot believe the hoops some people wlll jump through to find a way to believe they're being oppressed.

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