How did world, life and man came to existence? And why did world, life and man came to existence?

Lol I don't have faith in the money I use you idiot. I have a reasonable expectation that the pieces of paper that I have that we call "money" will be accepted because I have sufficient evidence that backs this up. My pieces of paper have been accepted in the past and so it is much more probable for them to be accepted in the future.

I don't have faith in science. If i'm trying to figure out about the natural world using science I will use experimentation and look at the results and evidence and then make a conclusion. There's nothing to have faith on here.

You say that origin stories and creation myths can be reconciled? Lmao. Please, by all means, prove to me that the Adam and Eve story and evolution are compatible. I'm going to go grab my popcorn, This should be fun.

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