I got my first negative reaction.

Nah. He’s a hater. Not worth continued dialog.

However, I truly love putting mechanical or electrical engineers behind the wheel and observing them process their glimpse into the future. It’s even better if I can get them to think out loud.

We’ll walk through the math together. The lightbulbs in their mind just get brighter. It’s extremely fun.

And I’m trying to do the same thing everywhere. I come from an old oil family and my folks live in the big country club with the big oil CEOs and celebrities. I show my EV off there. Next week is neat because I’m taking it to a fairly critical test drilling rig experimenting with new technology for oil and gas. That’s controversial here in Oklahoma and Texas. But I think the corner has been turned. The smart people get it and I’m trying to be a good ambassador with it all.

/r/Rivian Thread Parent