Got my first offer but it's way too lower than I expected

If you have been failing at the interview stage, fix the interviewing gap. Take a look at Cracking the Coding Interview.

You should be comfortable with the typical interview questions and giving them what they expect from a dev. Trust me, they want to hire you if they asked you to come in. You meet their requirements on paper. They are just looking for validation, that they made the right choice.

You can accept what you have now. It will take at least 2 months of good interview prep work.

It's been about 5 years, since I was volunteering to help people with job hunting skills. One of things that helped them was a speed interviewing session for 3-4 hours. It was round robin style with volunteers on the outside and students on the inside. We would interview each candidate. At 15 minutes, there was a buzzer. Then, I had 5 minutes to fill out a scorecard with additional notes. Candidates loved it. They could their scorecards improve by the end of the session.

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