Teachers of reddit, what's something you've seen someone do and decide not to do anything about?

I taught emotionally disturbed kids for the first 10 years... If I addressed everything I saw, I would have gone insane.

Had a kid report she didn’t brush her teeth in 2 months and so we got her a mechanical toothbrush and she locked her self in the bathroom and started moaning loudly for about 4 minutes. The staff ushered out the other kids and I waited until she unlocked the door and then brought everyone back in. I told her to put the toothbrush In a ziploc bag and after everyone left for the day I threw it away and replaced it with another toothbrush.

One of my boys yelled “bitch I got two girlfriends” to a female student. The female student yelled back “your two hands don’t count” and proceeded to make jerking motions with both hands. I had to ignore it because I had to try really hard not to laugh.

/r/AskReddit Thread