Are my progressive symptoms really just health anxiety or something more?

Hey, so this might not be much help but I’m going through very similar things, although it hasn’t been going on quite as long. It’s got worse during the last 2 months for me

I’m not nauseous everyday, but I do get nausea from time to time, I just have no appetite most of the time, and I get full quicker than usual so I’ve lost a bit of weight, but not near medically concerning levels, so nobody takes you seriously. These pre-fainting episodes are the worst and I’ve had several so far. During these my hands and feet went extremely tingly and I nearly went to the ER

Last night I had real trouble sleeping and it’s a good thing I don’t work or anything because I didn’t end up sleeping until 7.00am! My body for some reason was just on hyper alert the whole night and every time I almost drifted off my body would start panicking and then I’d instantly feel my pulse to check my heart was still working. My whole body was stiff too. My neck, abdomen, back, I just couldn’t relax

It’s fucking awful and I’m convinced it’s something else

/r/HealthAnxiety Thread