Gov. John Kasich signs medical marijuana bill into law

I am not a cannabis user so I do not really care about this issue in particular, but I am interested in history and public opinion and this issue has been absurd for too long.

First the issue related content: It has recently been made legal for medical and recreational use in several states. There is no reason for each state to reinvent the wheel. 2 years for this to be implemented? Ohio has several proven formulas (those of states that have already legalized it) they could choose from for how to do this that they could adopt and be done with it.

History/Public opinion aspect: I refuse to do the research for you , but start with Harry Anslinger. You will come across reasons along the lines of: Marijuana makes you violent or makes black people want to sleep with white women- as reasons for it to become illegal in the first place. Sounds like a great guy...Nothing to do with the pharmacological effect that marijuana has on your body. These are ridiculous ideas that have been spread using propaganda to change the public opinion about this seemingly harmless substance . People have blindly believed this misinformation for years.

While you're doing the history of marijuana research, also check out a couple books titled 'Propaganda' by Edward Bernays and 'Public Opinion' by Walter Lippman and get a glimpse of how people affect the way you think about things. You may be surprised by how many of 'your' thoughts have been manufactured by others.

This issue was never about marijuana itself. It is about money, racism, politics, Big industry (the alcohol industry is not thrilled about this... I wonder why), etc.

What is going on here is not a good thing because the politicians and masses are still continuing in a direction based on lies. There is no reason that things like this need to take so much time. I have heard people say things like "The public isn't ready for this" , "It takes time". I say that is nonsense. Marijuana is here already and people have been using it the whole time. Marijuana legalization is not going to upend society. Society has already been upended by this insane policy and insane people who have implemented it and continue to do so.

TL;DR: use your brain. Or not.. just remember that when you hear something do not automatically assume it is true. Find out for yourself and that includes the things written here.

/r/Ohio Thread Link -