Grief: How soon is too soon to adopt again after your fuzzy crossing over?

Get more ferrets, because you want to get more ferrets not because you want to replace the ones that are gone. Are you going to have an emotional breakdown when these new ferrets do something that is similar to the old ones? Or are you going to be upset when they are different than the ones that you had before? Are you wanting to get new ferrets, or are you wanting to replace the ones that you lost? You would obviously be a loving home, and there doesn't seem to be a question on whether or not you have the ability to care for them.

For that matter if you know that you want them, you go get them and give them a new home, love all over them. Obviously after they get used to you. LOL. I wouldn't feel obligated to observe any period of morning necessarily, they really do bring so much joy and happiness. Me personally have not owned ferrets in several years, I have owned sugar gliders for some time now, and the two of those animals would not mix very well in the same house. Even if they never interacted together. I do ferret sit for my sister, and I interact with hers a lot. And I have my "own" that kind of turned into mine, at her house. Honestly I don't know if I'll ever own ferrets again, at least purchased in the United states. It was one of the most difficult things ever watching my loved companions die to cancer, and have as many health issues as they did because of poor breeding. That being said, my gliders are an assortment of ages, so that when one or two passes away, there is still a group of them, so no one's left alone. If by whatever chance all of them happen to have passed away in a period of time before I was able to get more. I would very likely not observe any period of mourning, and I would likely jump straight back into getting more. Helping rescues, and rehomes, has helped me myself personally so much. I would just be sitting at home, waiting until I guess I felt better, instead of going and getting them, and everybody (ferrets included)feeling better.

/r/ferrets Thread