This guy scares me more than the coyote that attacked his dog

Literally. I was a teenager when I rode my longboard and along the walking path behind my house frequently. One day heading down to the skate park I take off as normal and come around a bend to find a girl the same age (so like 15-16) with a huge cane corso off leash (wow what a fucking smart girl/family no leash huh) and the dog did NOT like my board as i was riding it. Dog took off at me growling and barking as the girl did literally fucking nothing and I was about to shit my pants at this fucking monster gunning at me so I got off my board and raised it over my head and just started fucking yelling for this girl to get her fucking dog/where is the fucking leash. The dog still came at me, lunged and missed and I brought my board down on its back and it whimpered yet turned around and tried to bite me again so I cracked it on the head. I felt/feel bad but holy fuck I that dog was literally going to kill me I had so much adrenaline. My house used to back onto the path I took so my parents seen me basically break this dog and the girl comes screaming and crying freaking out, cops got called etcetera. No charges laid for either side but holy shit i'm scared of big dogs now to this day, this happened roughly 8-9 years ago during summer.

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