Guys, he openly says it as if we can only gaze at his influence. I say enough!

This ross orca skin argument is genuinely one of the most stupid arguments I have ever seen

It wasn't crabinet's choice to even reskin the ross orca to begin with. You seriously think an artist would reskin a skin that they themselves disliked, just to spite players who use said skin? It was TheDancingCow's choice to reskin the art, because he felt like it didn't look good.

This community only cares because it is an orca skin. They wouldn't care at all if it was a skin for say, frogfish. You care so much about an artist who spent a lot of time remaking his art that he himself disliked, and you as a community collectively thing on him, make a petition to revert his decision, call his art "remade crap", "sheer incompetence of the remake", while he already has to cope with low self-esteem

And what is it with this community and hating on crabinet? Why are you all hell-bent on making sure every member of the guilds has a bad time there? Sure, harmony may have messed up with the changes, but that does not mean you have to generalise the whole of the guilds based on what harmony does. A lot of people here hate on guilds so much that they forgot what it was that made them be so critical of guilds. A lot of users here are so drunk on hating crabinet that they are oblivious to any actually good changes and lump them all in as bad. Guild members are people. They breathe, they eat, they live, they have a life like you and me so please treat them like actual people instead of just whining about their, quote unquote, incompetence

The ross orca reskin is good in its own way, I get it that you may dislike it but please be civil about it, stop getting on thedancingcow and crabinet, and please treat them like actual living people

/r/deeeepio Thread Link -