To the guys out there, be honest, have you ever put your hands on your gf?

Four exes and nearly 10 years ago... I was a smoker (which she hated) and she was leaving my apt, so I lit up a cigarette and then she immediately came back because I left something in her car. After handing me whatever it was, she flicked the cigarette that was in my mouth, breaking it in half. It startled me, and I instinctively smacked her. She then tried to hit me with her car, then got out and tried punching me and I grabbed her and just kept apologizing; I felt bad. We made up on the spot. If it makes y'all feel better, she later beat the shit out of me in the McDonald's drive thru after finding pictures of other girls in my phone.

Other than that, no. I'm a big guy who plays to much, so I've accidentally hurt girls while play fighting, but never have been abusive.

/r/redscarepod Thread