What’s your “shit just got real” moment?

Some of my friends I have known since we were kids. We've all grown in different directions .. some more honorable than others. Some more socially acceptable than others. Some of my friends have become executives, some lawyers...some are mothers..some are married..some are in prison...some are selling drugs ... some of them are working at WalMart. As we get older..I sometimes forget that now we have years and years behind us. I forget some of them have been to jail ... or ignore the fact that their selling drugs because I've known them for such an extended period of time I just see them as my "friend". Not too long ago I was with about 5 of them in a house that had legitimately hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stuff in it. I left that house and it was raided 3 minutes later by police. I had only left to go to another friends house. 30 minutes after being at the second house - that one was raided too. I completely forgot this was a possibility ... or maybe never believed it would happen. This is the basement I chill in daily .... my normal night turned into 30 swat breaking through door, tearing everything apart and arresting a few of my best friends. What went from the place we go and play playstation or watch sports games at got real REALLY quick.

/r/AskReddit Thread