Anyone who can't remember 9/11 should be banned from this sub

My grandpa was a man who journaled for like the last 30 years of his life. He was a good, blue collar, military man.

When he passed away two year ago I went through his journals and I stumbled into his one from September 11th, 2001. It was just his normal recount of the day (going with my dad to drop off metal at the scrap yard, his recount of repairing things, seeing me after my mom picked me up from school, the weather, etc.). Not a thing about the attacks.

The next page was blank except for something along the lines of “9/11/2001- terrorists in planes”

Idk why but this was something I was expecting more of a journal article about. Maybe he was just shocked. In life when I’d ask him about events (WWII stuff, Kennedy, etc) he was always super detailed about what he remembered.

/r/redscarepod Thread