I had a dream!

Since everyone knows the market will bounce back, really, no one should be selling. Therefore, the people that influence selling are : boomers living day to day and scared about their equities, middle aged karens that invested because matilda recommended a stock tip they read in a double bouble wrapper, and when the stock goes down a bit they panic sell at the bottom, and retard teens who thought tesla 900 is a sound long term investment, but their horizon shortened to a few hours when it dropped to 891.

These people either sell by themselves, or influence their fund managers to sell. If fund managers bought and held, customers would ask why the fuck they're not doing anything and think they can do the same strategy themselves.

I think this and general sentiment and other algo shenanigans and reverse osmosis drives the market more than actual fundamentals. Everyone is just trying to swim thru the game and not get goulaged.

Tldr, I don't actually make money, so I'm going to follow your advice with some aapl 220 half fds

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