This had me wheezing

Let’s be fair, it’s what we teach girls to do.

Look at the media it’s often a older guy that is portrayed as sexy and dependable (like for example Clooney) while the female is a much younger lead. If their is a younger choice then the other guy is often more foolish or not mature enough for a serious relationship or to egoistic on his own goals and dreams. While the mature man support all of her dreams willingly.

We tell girls boys are behind girls in mental age.

And we tell girls if they want to make it in Hollywood they need good publicity and people with influence.

We also still tell girls marry rich.

So your question is like “why did the child go willingly in the car when we told them not to talk with strangers?” When the car was full of candies.

It’s always the one with more power that is blamed in this case Leo because he is the one who should know better then those girls that he is using their naivety and is dating people that are depending on him.

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