Adults Are Letting Teen Girls Down

Wow I love how the writer did not interview a single girl teenager! (This response will be written by a teenage girl btw) I ask my self, how am I willing to be a girl who lets her mustache, eye brows, armpit hair, leg hair, all the hair grow out and still wear shorts and tank tops in public. Playing sports competitively, I have been bullied for my hair, my ex-friends teased me, extended family has teased me. Until I started to read books on self-acceptance, addictions, and disorders, my main support came from both my parents. I was able to go to school as a child with my stache at 7 years old and come back unscathed. It all depends on who raises you. If a child at all struggles with their values, having to modify themselves for validation, where is the support to stop this from happening in the first place? I'm thankful everyday that negativity would never be associated with the things that occur to bodies naturally when my parents have conversations about women or people in general. A parent needs to teach a child. Personally, what is most important is teaching someone how to love without the co-dependency, without fear, without shame, without guilt. Feeling anything without knowing how to love correctly creates a myriad of problems, especially one's relationship to their self-worth and physical body. Who to blame for women's problems!? Who to blame for the sex addiction of teenage boys!? The adults who let children live in shame and toxic environments are to blame. Thank your God there is years of research to finally put the blame on someone. So yes, adults do fail children!

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