Hand review from Bellagio $1/$3 this past weekend

Since we don’t have much info on him, we are left to make assumption.

How likely is it that old man HJ leads into two other players after you check without a strong holding?

So he basically has KQ/QT/sometimes KJ. You block AJ with AA so that is less probable. I guess we can throw in J9 as a possibility.

Not sure why we are raising flop here with no further info on villain. Why bloat the pot oop on the flop versus someone who is weighted toward hands that beat a pair? We have no idea if he’d give up to aggression on the turn. The 1/3 player pool in Vegas has an overall tendency of calling too much.

A rule that has saved me ridiculous amounts of money: do NOT try to bluff or outplay people until you have information on them.

I don’t like CO flatting flop because he might be holding a jack. That removes one of our gutter outs.

Turn we check and old man again bets small into two people. Does he ever have QT anymore? I doubt it. So we now lose to KQ and KJ. KJ removes our gutter outs and CO again might hold a J too. We obviously can’t beat AJ or J9. What else does the old man ever have besides these narrow sets of hands?

River looks gorgeous but think back to the analysis above. HJ is heavily weighted to Kx holdings with that bet size. Once we make it here, the options are never raise all in. We either beat some weird bluff with QT/awful bet with a straight or we lose to what is probably quads.

Wait for players to show you what they are willing to do. Until then, assume they aren’t lunatics and run through how they played the hand accordingly.

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