Having second thought about moving to WA from TX due to the weather and short days.

Try eastern WA. I think it will suit you better for a couple reasons:

1) No matter how liberal you think you are. Or how "middle" you think you are. It will be way more liberal than you think here. Half my family from OK. Trust me. A lot of people down there who think they're "liberal" or "left leaning" are judging from the perspective of the far right nutjobs that dominate those areas. Eastern WA is red. It has some bluer areas. But it's not TX or OK red. So you may find it more relatable socially.

2) Eastern Washington has way different weather than here. I grew up there. I can remember it being negative 17 one winter and 117 in the summer. My sister was telling me it was 61 there once already this year. It's a desert (Desert scrubland technically). A lot of people don't get that. They get four real seasons. Long hot summers. Warm springs. The winters are colder and snowier than here.

It is also marginally cheaper for there still. Still a bit over priced from what I'm hearing from family, but cheaper than the Puget sound area.

/r/Tacoma Thread