We do not know that we will ever have a vaccine at all. It is important to guard against complacency and over-optimism. The first generation of vaccines is likely to be imperfect, and we should be prepared that they might not prevent infection but rather reduce symptoms

However, we do not know that we will ever have a vaccine at all. It is important to guard against complacency and over-optimism. The first generation of vaccines is likely to be imperfect, and we should be prepared that they might not prevent infection but rather reduce symptoms, and, even then, might not work for everyone or for long.

I have gotten into so many arguments with people about the bolded line above. People don't get it. There is no vaccine until there is a vaccine. Then, you have to evaluate that specific vaccine.

This is all going to be such a shitshow with the world waiting for the magical vaccine that makes this all end. Let's just put some sugar in some vials and give people shots so they think they got one (kidding, sort of)

/r/LockdownSkepticism Thread Link - thelancet.com