Help remedies

Ok so there's a lot to work on here. Please note: I am not a Doctor. I've just been tokin for 20yrs and this works for me. [For context: I can eat a 400mg Nerds Rope and spend 2hrs driving home from my buddies place, no issues] THC hides in your fat cells. As you break down the fat, THC will be introduced into your bloodstream and you tolerance is going to stay the same. HOWEVER, fat is water soluble. So drinking more water and regular exercise will help to breakdown the fat and flush THC.

I recommend a decent cardio workout, drink about 3 large bottles of water, BUT also have some Pedialyte nearby to replace the sodium and other nutrients lost from sweating. A good 2 weeks, run or bike every other day. Stay hydrated. Fat burns from workout and dissolves from water, water flushes THC rich fat out via urine. Eventually everything will seem visually brighter. That's when the last of it has left. If you're big, it's probably gonna be more water. If your thin, go work up a sweat quick.

/r/PaMedicalMarijuana Thread