Help with reasons (and expressing said reasons) for MC to dislike good and caring family

I agree, she seems kind of Mary Sue. Really rich bratty kids do exist though, so I guess there's technically nothing wrong with writing about them. This is coming from someone who had went to a private school and actually met people like that. Mind you, these real-life Kardashians are the minority. Most rich kids have good work ethic, strong leadership skills, value networking a lot, and have career ambitions (even if they don't they tend to have goals such as "taking part in extreme sports" or "raising a lot of money for charity").

Based on the rich, bratty kids I know, they tend to act like "dumb blondes" so even if they are smart, they seem to be making the vast majority of their decisions based on a carpe diem mentality. You really need to bear this in mind when you're thinking about making your character "smart". A lot of them get really bad grades at school due to laziness more than anything else but they really don't care and some even go around bragging about it. They tend to calm down a bit during high school but will go back to bratty mood during uni.

I don't think most of these bratty kids hate their parents. They're the ones supplying them with the money after all and they seem to take pride in the amount of status their family has in society. It's a generation thing and yes, bratty kids tend to come from Old Money. Sometimes they do get reprimanded by their parents if they are caught doing something they should not and will "hate" their parents because of it but generally most of these parents give them a lot of freedom. I think they appreciate this and if anything want more freedom. And yes, I think the main reason for these rich, bratty kids to "dislike" their families is because of the restrictions they impose on them, you know, things like "you can't get a tattoo before a certain age", "you can't party til too late", or "no more Hermes handbags or you this month".

I don't think any of them dislike an upper class lifestyle. They seem to like the idea of a chauffeur driving them to school and they seem to be extremely interested in high end makeup and fashion products. I also don't think of private schools as "sheltered" environment. There was actually a strong emphasis on leadership training and extracurricular activities (at least for my school) and it's just that most bratty ones chose not to join. My school also organised volunteering trips to developing countries every year so it wasn't like the students never got the chance to leave their sheltered bubbles. The bratty ones do take part but they do so to party and hang out with their friends instead of making the most out of volunteering.

I think these kids have to deal with peer pressure more than anything else. Like they always have to make sure that their makeup is perfect to remain the queen bee and all that. A great amount of their time is devoted to learning about current fashion trends and following them.

Quite a lot of these girls I know dream of becoming models. Either that or fashion designers. I think quite a lot of them do want to look like they're in their 20s when they're teens so they tend to put on makeup every day and complain when they have to take it off (school policy). They tend to really dislike the teachers which are really strict with these no makeup rules. Another thing is that they like to wear really short dresses and again that wasn't allowed.

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