Hey Redditors. I'we always wondered why it is ok to say "you're so thin" to a thin person but not ok to say "you're so fat" to a fat person?

I’m 6’4, 160 pounds. I’m slender for sure and if someone commented on it, I wouldn’t give a flying foosh. If I was morbidly obese however, I very much doubt I would appreciate random reminders of my unhealthy size. People do not like being overweight. It is inherently unattractive to be really large - evolution sculpted us to find healthy mates. That can deeply affect someone’s self esteem. People alive today with major obesity would find living the life of our ancestors to be quite difficult. Rejection and making fun of obese people for some reason is funny to some people. I feel in school they got bullied more than others from my experience.

To the skinny people that say it is “not ok” to comment on someone being skinny, why does it upset you? I could understand if you were malnourished or afflicted by disease - I wouldn’t want random reminders about that either - but why does it bother you? I’m just curious because I never worried about my weight or my health in regards to weight.

I think it ultimately boils down to how society around the person accepts people their size. There isn’t an epidemic of malnourished, severely underweight people in this country for instance - the opposite is the case. On both sides of the spectrum are medical issues with being too under/overweight and obese people are plagued with health issues compared to your average “skinny” person. You are bringing not only their appearance but their health to the forefront and that can be hurtful and depressing. Extreme example - to a cancer patient: you are bald as fuck! Horrible example but it works.

I am lanky and skinny as fuck. I wish I could build some mass but I just can’t. I don’t exercise and I eat like a madman much of the time. I just don’t care if someone says hey dude you are like super skinny! Me being underweight is not having an impact on my health and I think that’s why I personally don’t care. It’s like calling me tall or saying my hair is brown or that my ears are unusually large.

/r/AskReddit Thread