The high level connection between Newsweek's mysterious financiers and the Russian Orthodox Church

Some more analysis on Worlds Worst CIA Agent, loudmouth Charles Leven who gets his fame / cover from Russia and could even be a double agent in history:

  1. Codshit reference (question: is/was Varenik legit?): Immediately, Redmond and colleagues at headquarters (so much for any security for "Mr. X"!) paid him $50,000 (the same amount Ames was paid for his original disclosure) for any information, and he did not disappoint - Moscow, that is. Smetanin, while reviving all the disinformation from Varenik about the KGB contingency plans for blowing up West German restaurants to upset Washington's relations with Bonn (Earley, p. 194), claimed that his handler, Charles Leven, had pocketed some of the money Varenik was to be paid to pay off his KGB debts. While Redmond was checking out similar wild-goose tales in six subsequent letters from Smetanin, involving a six-month experiment to establish whether the Warrenton facility had been compromised, Washington took the bait about bombing restaurants in West Germany, what the KGB, it seems, so dressed up at Tripoli's expense in West Berlin, that Lehman's Navy jumped at another opportunity for action in Libya. Redmond even jumped at the disinformation "Mr. X" supplied about Sergei Fedorenko being Moscow's double agent (Wise, p. 264), leading ultimately to his being given a lie detector test in November 1990, and released by the Agency when he apparently failed it. (Wise, pp. 262-5)

  2. (Book has cracked CIA emblem on cover - need to determine if anti-CIA slant at all. ) Leven correctly identified by case officer of Varenik by an intelligence source in relation to the Aldrich Ames case but no such breach was determined to have occured after an investigation was conducted.

  3. Ended up being trust of Leven that saved him in Varennik (unique spelling here) investigation. But series of 6 communications were determined at the time to be "fakes" by CIA as well. These were anonymous. (p. 259, 260) (

  4. Izvestia ran an article with information from Earley's book. Varenik was killed.Varenik had told leven about a KGB plot to kill American agents at a German cafe. (

  5. pics of Varenik -



  8. (reflexive control?) "While Oliver North's plotters could not solve the problem of who killed Palme, they did everything they could to get the arms-for-hotages problems settled as quickly as they could, not matter what the cost, so that Sweden would longer be a serious question of concern. In the process, Washington completely forgot about the spies whhad prevented the non-nuclear showdown from occurring, and it showed little concern with the fate of the double-agents who paid for the failure. In fact, William Casey's Agency and the White House were so eager to pin the Palme assassination on Moscow that they fell for another Soviet 'dangle'. In November 1985, Gennady Varenik, aka FITNESS, had gone missing in November 1985 after he had told the Agency of KGB plans to bomb restaurants outside American bases in West Germany to incite anti-American sentiments. The Israelis, in return for their being cut out of the arms-for-hostages process after the HAWK missile fiasco in Sweden, had their surrogates in the PLO's Abu Natal organization attack the Rome and Vienna airports around Christmas to give substance to the terrorist threats against American interests. In late March 1986, an alleged friend of Varenik's, later called Mr. X, wrote Varenik's handler, Charles Leven, stating that the KGB had been reading its messages, thanks to having a mole at its secret communications center in Warrenton, Virginia. (11) It took the CIA six month to figure out that Mr. X was a plant.

Still, Mr. X provided enough disinformation for Washington to go ahead with its plans to blame Libya's Gaddafi for the terrorism it had mounted in anticipation of the showdown in Stockholm against Palme. "Three of the terrorists in Vienna," Christopher Andrew wrote, "were found to be using Tunisian passports supplied by Libya." (12) Then, after the Pentagon had estblished plans for punishing it with an air strike, the Israelis bombed the La Belle Discotheque in West Berlin on April 5th, killing two people, and wounding over 50 American servicemen - part of their Project Trojan to fix the atrocity upon Tripoli where messages were allegedly exchanged between the Libyan People's Bureaux in East Berlin and to a listening post mounted by the Mossad outside Tripoli at Libya's expense. "Intercepted Libyan cables," Andrew added, "decrypted by NSA and its British ally, GCHQ, provided proof of Libyan responsibility." (13) With this intelligence input, Reagan obliged Prime Minister Thatcher to assist the air strikes later the same day, the President himself selecting the targets, though irratating the cryptanalysts both at NSA and GCHQ by alluding to their part in the plot. The incident established Tripoli as the convenient fallguy when anything went wrong, and needed to be fixed."

  1. *. "I have developed an instinct for identifying the online spies, many of whom are moderators of social media groups." ... (lists an individual who confessed to me he lost his security clearance in an IC counterintel investigation as "casualties")... I have been blocked from the Open Government and Civic Tech Facebook Group ... and my posts are being heavily moderated in 3 other social media groups..."

  2. Wolfgang Schievelbusch. 9 references to a 1947 charles leven in connection to RIAS and Nabokov.;;doc.view=print

  3. Charles Leven recommendation for "Paul". "I have known Paul through his business networks, networks which he started and of which I am a member. I am impressed with the wealth of knowledge he possesses in marketing and business development, the hard work he puts in to maintaining the networks, and the innovation and creativity he has shown in making his networks grow. He is a natural, and it is a pleasure to watch him in action. Paul is one of those rare individuals who has an understanding of the military community as well and I know he is respected by foks in that community. This understanding helps him make his networks relevant to that key component and even more useful to others. I am very grateful for being given the opportunity to get to know Paul in this fashion. Charles Leven, CIA"

  4. Linkedin copy of CL. In addition to Wikileaks, shows Left political slant. "Timestamp: 2015-05-01 From 1970-2006, I worked as an operations officer/Senior Intelligence Service officer for the National Clandestine Service (formerly, the Directorate of Operations) of the CIA, abroad and in Washington, running and managing clandestine agent and technical collection operations. From 2006-2011, after I retired as a staff officer, I worked as an Independent Contractor for the Agency, primarily as a navigator/senior instructor/mentor for our new, incoming Clandestine Service Officers, a great way to pay the Agency back for a very meaningful and rewarding career. Since my "final" retirement in 2011, as a member of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee, I have participated as a volunteer in political campaigns, primarily helping the Obama for America campaign and other Democratic candidates. I also do some volunteer work at my Temple, take courses at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (affiliated with George Mason University), attend Smithsonian seminars and Folger Shakespeare Library performances, travel, engage in physical fitness activities, and watch and occasionally attend Washington Nationals and Washington Capitals games. I also remain an unofficial "advisor"/mentor for junior and even senior colleagues still serving in the National Clandestine Service. Vienna Virginia Government Administration Policy Analysis, Government, Research, Public Policy, Community Outreach, Policy, Public Speaking, Politics, International Relations, Political Campaigns, Political Science, Federal Government, Analysis, Public Relations, Editing, Leadership, National Security, Counterintelligence, Foreign Policy, Strategic Planning, Team Building, Political Consulting, Intelligence Community, Diplomacy, Foreign Affairs, HUMINT, Intelligence Analysis, Grassroots Organizing, Program Management, Strategy, Volunteer Management, Legislative Relations, Social Networking, Strategic Communications, Intelligence, Global Delivery, Special Operations, Tactical Operations, Grassroots "intelligence community" LinkedIn"

  5. RT is apparently SOURCE. "RUSSIA: On this day: 25 February On February 25, 1987, Gennady Varenik, a Soviet intelligence officer, was executed for being a double agent.

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