Hello everyone, i would really like your opinions on this. I don’t plan to do it or anything cause they are already blocked.

Did you know you posted that on Reddit. The vast majority of more vocal Redditor’s do not feel they are accountable for anything said, done, felt or thought of from an arbitrary moment they decide. They are not obligated in any shape form or fashion to give a damn about their exes well being, mental health and yes...even their life. I have received 1000s of downvotes arguing against that. I can post on the_donald and then argue in politics but I’ve started using a throwaway when I have to speak up against “No Contact”. I have a reply in narcabuse with -42 because op said ex was talking suicide and all the advice was “hang up and never speak again” I simply stated “Call someone who cares and to get them help” it was not well liked

/r/ExNoContact Thread Link - i.redd.it