Highest Paid Specialties And Specialties with the Best lifestyle

Ortho and Urology are the best surgical specialities if you want to earn a lot of money. They’re fairly flexible in terms of time commitment.

Cardiology, neurology and gastroenterology are the best money making medical specialities. A relative of mine was recently offered a package of 80L pa as an interventional cardiologist, and on top of that he has his own private set up so he makes more than a crore per year. These will be kinda demanding specialities, you’ll have to come for emergencies at various times.

Radiology, Derm and Anesthesiology are the other two branches that offer great pay and great lifestyle. Unless you start your own private practice, I think your earning potential could be capped.

In the end it comes down to you man, every speciality has the ability to mint money, if you excel at it.

/r/indianmedschool Thread