Why go to him?

Chris is pretty lazy:

In 2012, Chris believed that trolls had started a campaign in Charlottesville to get him convicted in the Snyder Case.

Trolls were supposedly putting up posters, handing out flyers, changing theater and church marquees, and even hiring a sky-writer.

Chris tried to mobilize his Facebook friends for an entire week, but could not be bothered to drive near any of the locations himself to verify the voracity of the campaign.

Barb's theatrics are definitely a factor:

Barb allegedly threatened to kill herself to stop Chris from leaving Charlottesville.

I assume Chris feels he needs his mommy's permission to go anywhere - so the few times Chris has traveled elsewhere are a big deal.

Here's Chris trying to convince people of his maturity:

I have experienced some of the good things in life, I have played the lottery a few times, I have traveled to Ohio (no thanks, thanks to that stupid Max). And I've had a few drinks. The only checkmark that's not left, as the, only thing, mark that's not been checked yet for a good life is the virgin-breaker.

Ohio, how exotic - and only because bluespike lured him there.
To be fair, Chris was hoping for china.

/r/ChrisChanSonichu Thread