HOG CYCLE IS DEAD [and not just]

I reached 4900 with lv10 hog, lv9 fb n musk, lv 12 commons. 1 year ago. Since the updates after that favouring heavier decks.. and now witch buff again increase giant decks.. I'm now max 2.6 deck, stuck at 4400-4500 and never once reached 4900 in the last year, despite playing daily. I can beat max meta decks, and lose to lv 12 max giant witch now almost every other game.

2.6 might be "ok" if you in top 200, but honestly even then I don't think so now. If you haPpen to be lower trophy.. facing giant witch almost every deck, and witch rage others.. you try 2.6 there then say. yes its a high skill deck. But witch just breaks the already too proliferant giant deaks. Tell me an efficient way to beat giant witch as 2.6, ye who think its ok? Peace

/r/ClashRoyale Thread