CMV: America would be much less polarised if the states were responsible for more policies and programs.

Agree 1000%. The Federal Government is broken - instead of decades of gridlock just to achieve a “compromise” bill that nobody wants, why don’t we give States the freedom to experiment with policy, try, succeed, and fail, and learn from one another.

In order for my comment to “meaningfully contribute”, I’d argue that this may not make the country less polarized. I think we’d see more conflict between States who take radically different approaches and increased conversation about what does and doesn’t constitute “Americanism”. I think we’d see more interstate attempts to encroach on other states’ sovereignty for political purposes. There is the potential that the country would splinter into several different directions policy-wise.

That said, I ultimately think that power existing closer to the public is better, that democracy works, even when we disagree with the outcome, and that policy is perfected through trial and error, not through years of protracted arguments. Let Vermont be Vermont and let Alabama be Alabama - let the Federal Government regulate interstate commerce, protect our borders, and defend our constitution.

/r/changemyview Thread