Hogwarts Sort-of Civil war

Just something I've noticed, but whenever people talk about Hogwarts being below the international standard or whatever, I do tend to wonder.

I mean, post-books JKR mentioned a lot of things, including awesome Uagadou and its talented Animagi plus wandless-magic students, but when we look at things within the books, well ...

  • Fleur, the Beauxbatons champion, went down to a bunch of Grindylows, which even third-year students were taught at Hogwarts (by Lupin the previous year).

  • Cedric pretty much outperformed everyone else in most cases.

  • Whether or not it was intentional, I'm not sure, but Viktor couldn't (or perhaps didn't) manage to accomplish a full human-to-animal Transfiguration, which you'd think would've been covered in the N.E.W.T. level overseas.

  • We hear so much about the (awesome) Dark Arts being taught at Durmstrang, but it seems like Viktor didn't quite shine in his duel against the Chinese Fireball. If he were the best of an awesome, Dark Arts teaching school, you'd think he might've been able to prevent the dragon from trampling its eggs somehow.

That's all just nitpicking, I know, but I sometimes wonder just how far Hogwarts supposedly is below the 'international standard'. What are the odds that the other magical schools are not as perfect as in fanon, and have their own whimsical nature as well? Perhaps there's a Trelawney, Quirrell, Binns, etc. type as well over at the other schools. Who knows?

I mean, the canon Ministry only conveniently took action to bring Hogwarts up to 'standard' in book five, and even their supposed reforms sucked anyway (cough Umbridge).

I know this is a prompt, yes. But I just thought I'd leave this here after having seen one too many Hogwarts-bashing fics over the years.

/r/HPfanfiction Thread