Holy cow Stewart ave has gone super downhill near Pikes

Do you think this crap will be cleaned up by summertime when tourists start visiting the city?

I would have said yes 5 years ago, but with all the rampant lack of attention to fixing problems, and the fact that Harrell and his crew can't even stand up to a few fucking protesters to clear 4th Ave across from City Hall, my guess is no.

Seattle can make tiny little incremental improvement, maybe fix a high profile corner or two, but unless Seattle's residents ourselves start standing up to the abuses forced on us by our shitheel progressive neighbors .. the ones who enable and encourage this shit by voting for progressive government .. AND start demanding the police be funded .. the police will continue to do as little as possible, the city will continue to slap bandaids on to slow the bleeding, but Seattle in general will continue to be a garbage dumping ground for the nations feral homeless filth population, the ones who move here for the free living and lack of drug enforcement, the ability to camp in city parks, and the support by the stupid shit Activist community.

Unless our Activist community is held personally responsible for their handing out food and propane every time there's an encampment fire, none of this gets fixed. We remain a city full of feral fucking homeless addict filth, we remain a city dominated by left wing fuckwad activist fucks, and we remain incapable of repair.

Move or fight, those are your choices.

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