
I’m not saying they’re the same but they do have very similar characteristics in a few key areas.

Brutally repressive governments ✅

Suppression and disappearing of dissidents ✅

Poor track record on human rights ✅

State control over everyday life ✅

They of course have very different reasons for this. Ostensibly Tankies are doing it for “the working class” whereas Nazis and other Fascists are doing it for the “Chosen people” or alternatively the state which acts as a representative of those people.

The key thing to remember is that Fascism is not primarily focused on the economics of the nation beyond it being self-sufficient. Sometimes groups emphasize state control, sometimes private industry is promoted, it just depends. However what ties them all together is nationalism of some kind, be it the idea of the Roman Empire, the Aryan Race, or Pan-Arab(-ism?) in the case of the Ba’athists.

That being said yes they do differ greatly in ideology but many of the everyday tangible effects are similar.

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